What We Do

No matter who you are, what you’re selling, or what your budget it is we have a solution for you.

Who We Are

Who We Are

Located in the heart of Miami Beach, Florida

Located in the heart of Miami Beach, Florida and in business since 1998 – we at Tinkal know how to take you through every level of marketing at any level of business. We will not only create a website for you, but a marketing campaign if you need it.

We understand business’s small and large – both community-oriented/based and global. We know sophisticated, high-end web and graphic design and dedication as much as we know a more laid back fun-in-the sun-style.

Who We Are


E-commerce is just what it sounds like: electronic commerce.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

We at Tinkal, speak frankly. We deliver rather than flaunt.